In reading the book of Isaiah I have been fixated on Isaiah 60:1-22. Here it speaks of the prophetic promises of restoration and the hope for Israel while in captivity. I began to think about the promised restorations for my life and what has held me captive. One in particular has been my financial struggles over the years, robbing Peter to pay Paul maneuvers , but then again who hasn't had a struggle such as that from time to time? As a single parent I became good surviving from pay check to pay check and accepted my captivity of financial stress as a never ending norm of life. It was not the lack that held me captive, I knew my daddy God would provide, it was the stress of the unknown as to how and where all would work together in my favor. Stress has its own special way of showing up out of no where. It is famous for sneaking in on me during the midnight hour. I wake up to find sub consciously I have been grinding ...