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Showing posts from May, 2014

Not This Road Again?!?!

I don't know  the exact thing that has me so emotional today..... Wait....... that statement is not completely accurate. I know what is weighing heavy on my heart...... For me to speak it out loud sounds so selfish..... So self absorbed. But speak it I do.  ~sigh~ "Why Lord?" I ask..... Why this road???? I am tired Jesus, tired of having to be strong.... Tired of having to be two ....... Tired of picking up the pieces....... I am just so tired, and I don't want to do this anymore.  My question of cries continue...... None of this was my choice, so why am I the one having to ride this roller coaster of emotions?? "This is not what I wanted"... I scream on the inside. I worked so hard to NOT have this happen..... I did so many things opposite for circumstances and situations to be different.  Why Lord?? Why?? I am just so tired............... At this moment, the statement " And this too shall pass" seems ...