" One day at a time, sweet Jesus... That's all I'm asking of you. Just give me the strength to do every day, What I have to do......." This old hymn has been playing in my mind for the few days.... Over and over the melody and tune softly playing in my head and singing in my heart. Two weeks ago on my way to work I began having symptoms of a heart attack. Relentless pain.... Radiating to my arm, back and jaw. Cold sweat...... Hard to breathe. Every classic textbook symptom for a heart attack.... A stress induced heart attack. I have had many UN-expected changes in the last few months. ~ Sweet Jesus~ From working in the medical field for years, I recognized these symptoms and began to pray that I could make it to my office, knowing there I could get help. I made it and emergency medical help was called..... Off to the hospital I go. Not exactly how I had planned my da...