Why is it society deems crying as a weakness? Little boys are taught one criteria to be a man is not to cry. Little girls who cry are labeled as too emotional. It seems shedding tears is frowned upon in the grand scheme of life, however truth be told........ tears are the voice of our emotions. I tend to cry at the drop of a hat these days. Maybe it is hormones or lack of, maybe I am going through the "change" of life, or maybe just maybe my heart has become more sensitive to the things that surround me? I choose to believe it's the latter. I choose to believe my daddy God has answered my prayer when I asked Him to allow me to see others through His eyes. Sometimes. I. Cry. And I'm not alone. John 11:35 is only two words, two heartfelt words......... "Jesus wept." Scripture allows us to see the depth of His love for Lazarus when He heard of his death. Through his tears, we see the voice of his heart, we hear...