This is the Kerri I knew back in high school. The cheerleader whose bright and bubbly character brought her beauty to a level I could only hope for. Bright, intelligent, spunky and full of life, it is was those qualities she held that would draw you in with just a smile. Little did Kerri know that not only would she be a cheerleader for our believed high school , but she would later in life become one for her son. Kerri's son was born in 2006 three months premature. He was placed in NICU where he would live the first nine months of his life with a trach, vented and on oxygen,which would continue to be for the first two and half years of his precious little life. As a mom, a cheerleader in her own right, Kerri begged, bargained and pleaded with God for the life of her child as she watched him struggle to survive. During this time of struggle Kerri lost her home and her husband. Living far from her family in a different state, K...