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Showing posts from June, 2014

Sorting It Out

My life right now looks and feels like a pile of socks that need sorting and matched...... Or at least that's how I feel. Did I mention I dislike sorting socks??? With a passion. ~sigh~ There has been several changes in my little corner of the world in the last few months.  My emotions have been running high for several reasons....... So high, I feel as though there are times they are choking me.  I have gone from happy to fearful, stressed to feeling blessed, doubtful to belief, and confused to certainty ..... I have had no clue which piece (sock) of my world to pick up first. From family members struggling to the point of drowning.......... To friends whose world seem on the verge of collapse... And those who's strong desire for independence, has them on a path of pain and hard knocks.  It all goes back to my "fix it" syndrome. I know I must give it all to my daddy God...... I must lay it ALL down and leav...