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Showing posts from February, 2013

Breaking Through~

Waiting on a break through can seem like an eternity. I know for me there are days when I can't even see the cracks in the bricks that stand in front of me. There are other days I feel as though my brick wall is getting larger.............. ~Sheesh~ To be honest my emotions take over and all I can say is "enough is enough!!!" "PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!  I have been standing at this wall for four years now...... Come on already!!!! ~Geezzzzz~ The humor in this scenario ........ God already knows how long I have been waiting on my promised break through. He knows every brick in my wall.......... He sees every battle before the battle even gets to me.  Yes, He is working behind the scenes on my behalf!!! Proverbs 4:25-27 New King James Version (NKJV) 25  Let your eyes look straight ahead, And your eyelids look right before you. 26  Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established. 27  Do not turn to the right or the lef...

Frozen In Time! Featuring Tracy Teppler~

I feel frozen.  I feel unable to do anything!  I love being creative, although I am not a creative person.  I'm good at following a pattern and I'm practical and get stuff done.  But, this thing that hangs over us constantly, is freezing me up. My emotions are freaking out!  Either really calm or really over the top I am getting nothing done. I'm not trying anything new I am not completing projects I've started I suppose at the end of the day, that is exactly what the devil wants.  So, I suppose the plan is to do what the devil does not want me to do.  In that case,  I need to continue on with existing projects.  I will go hunt down that knitting thing I started. I need to try new things, eg something new to cook, tackle making that lamp shade cover, maybe go somewhere new I need to praise and worship until all those negative thoughts have no room left in my head. Your Word Lord, keeps me from freezing.... Yep, that is my...

Despise Not Small Beginnings~

This picture is a throw back from 1988ish... Just look at the the big hair and you can tell we are still in the 80's here !!  :) We have been friends since age 11...... Sisters in heart for an eternity. Diana and I ,back in the day, were a part of the best party crowd.  Dancing and drinking the night away was a huge part of our resume' of life. During this time of "finding " our way in life, we both had something that kept us rooted together.... A bond that went deeper than a childhood friendship...... A kindred spirit that tied our hearts together not only as friends, but as sisters. We didn't understand it growing up..... We didn't talk much about it through our teenage years.... It was just understood that we both knew. The bond that tied us as little girls into our teenage years and on to young adulthood to present day is and has always been Jesus Christ. The Lord has kept us intertwined through our darkest times to our shiniest moments. ...

Loving God from our Closets~

We have all heard the expression..."Go to your "prayer closet" and seek the Lord. It is our own personal time with God..... Where only He hears our prayers...... Our needs..... Our cries..... Our hearts desires...... Our own private conversations with our daddy God. Beautifully spent time~ There was a time when my closet would have been defined as my hiding place.......  Hiding my relationship with God....... Embarrassed of what my friends would think of me...... Mocked and ridiculed by my peers. Yes I admit I was a "Closet God Lover"........... I was a mess on the inside and hiding on the outside........... Shameful I know............... ~sigh~ And yet I still loved God only from my closet................. I knew by coming out of my closet and telling all I knew about my love and relationship with the Lord, I would lose many friends. I would be talked about..... Jokes would be made.......... Backs would be turned .......